Eine deutsche Version dieses Dokuments ist vorhanden.

Remark: The following document uses the Windows font Symbol for displaying greek characters. If your browser doesn't support displaying these characters, you will see the corresponding latin characters instead (D=Delta, e=Epsilon, s=Sigma, p=Pi)

I am always happy to receive feedback (e.g. new application examples) on this program. I'm also thankful for reports of errors within the program or this document (especially concerning the language. Don't hesitate to tell me the mistakes in my English. I am a perfectionist and always want to learn.).
Please send feedback to Matthias Benkmann (m.s.b (a) gmx.net)
Of course you are encouraged to distribute this program. Its free software (Freeware).

This HTML document is the official manual for the Molecular Dynamics Simulator. With the download of the program also comes an unformatted ASCII copy of this page.



  • Short program description
  • System requirements
  • How the program works
  • Remarks on the displays
  • Supported potentials
  • Program usage

  • Screen layout
  • Window descriptions
  • Menu structure (diagram)
  • Meaning of the menu items
  • The properties menu
  • The edit mode
  • Application examples

  • Section of a crystalline solid
  • Kinetic gas theory
  • Example to the chaos theory
  • Kepler's Laws

  • Introduction

    We all do have an intuitive idea of terms like "warm" or "cold". We also know what a liquid is like. But if you ask for a more precise explanation of what these terms mean on the microscopic level, many people won't have an answer. On the other hand there are phenomenons that you can illustrate quit well, like for example the planets circling around the sun. You just have to put a globe in the middle of the room and then walk around it with a marble in your hand. However, you will have a hard time demonstrating Kepler's Laws this way.
    Sometimes it is impossible with the means available in school, to show the students experiments to illustrate a certain topic. The means of the teacher often don't exceed static pictures. The explanation of the states of matter with the model of balls packed dense or less dense, is a good example for this. And even if a film is available, it has the great disadvantage of missing interactivity.

    The computer can help the teacher with all these problems, which is why it will surely become one of the most important educational tools of the future. Computer programs are, of course, unable to replace the real experiment, but they offer the possibility of simulating things that are otherwise hard or impossible to show in class. Additionally they offer the opportunity of actively manipulating what does happen on screen. Even absolute impossibilities, like reversed gravity or time may be tried out on the computer.

    Short program description

    The program "Molecular Dynamics Simulator" (MDS) was developed for the simulation of the processes in a multi-particle system. Of course it is possible and, depending on the context, sometimes necessary to work with just a few particles. In designing the program it was a goal to combine an appealing and colourful look with maximum usability, but without making compromises in the physics behind it.

    System requirements

    The program needs an IBM-compatible PC. A CPU of the type i80386 (or compatible) must at least be present. An i80387 compatible co-processor is also required. A color monitor and a graphics adaptor that is 100% compatible to the IBM Video Graphics Array (VGA) are necessary, too. The program will run under DOS Version 3.0 or above and in full-screen DOS-sessions under all operating systems which can provide 502000 Bytes of conventional memory and allow that the program accesses all registers of the graphics adaptor and the PIT (Programmable Interval Timer) directly. Take note of the fact that, depending on operating system and graphics driver, the 360x480 "tweaked" mode can possibly not be restored after a task switch. Though extremely improbable and up to date not observed, damage to the monitor due to wrong synchronisation, is not impossible, especially on older models. For that reason it should be avoided to task-switch to another application, while working with the Molecular Dynamics Simulator (MDS). Additionally the screen-saver should be deactivated for MDS. Know that in case of problems you can always terminate the Molecular Dynamics Simulator (MDS) immediately by pressing ALT-X (two times if the simulation is currently running).



    The program tests at the beginning, whether the system meets the minimum requirements and terminates with an error message if not. However, it is possible that your graphics adaptor is not 100% IBM VGA compatible but passes the test anyway. In this case the graphic output will appear garbled but you can still terminate the program by pressing ALT-X.

    How the program works

    The movement of the particles is simulated step by step. For every step, the forces caused by the potentials are summed for every particle. From these forces the new locations and velocities for the particles are computed using the formulas F=ma, v=v0+a*Dt, x=x0+v*Dt. The time step Dt on which the calculation is based may be chosen by the user.

    Remarks on the displays

    The values in the program are based on the respective SI-units.
    The angles between the velocity components are measured in degrees, which is explicitly marked by [°] in the Properties menu.
    +INF and -INF (INFinite) in the displays mean that for the current set-up of particles the value displayed is either out of the display's range, or that a division by 0 has occurred. The latter usually happens if the user has accidentally placed two particles in exactly the same location which means that their distance is 0. While computing the potential this creates a division by 0.
    +NAN and -NAN (Not A Number) usually appear if (again due to an erroneous set-up) an undefined computational operation occurs which cannot be answered sensibly with an infinity (e.g. square root of a negative value).
    However, the program is so good-natured that it punishes neither infinities nor NANs with an error message or even a crash. This means there is nothing to stop you from unrestrained playing with the program's options.

    Supported potentials

    The potentials supported for the interactions between particles are listed in the table below. There is also the possibility of having the particles act like hard balls on collision.

    Potential Epot ij Fij Epot=0 for F=0 for Application example
    Lennard Jones -4es6(r6-s6)/r12 24es6(r6-2s6)/r13 |r|=s |r|=s*21/6 van-der-Waals-forces
    in inert gases
    Quadratic -e+36e*(r-r0)2/r02 72e*(r-r0)/r02 r=7r0/6 or r=5r0/6 r=r0 Pseudo-gas(atoms linked with Hook-springs) Approximation for Lennard Jones
    Gravitation -G*mi*mj/r G*mi*mj/r2 _____ ______ Kepler's Laws
    Coulomb qi*qj/(4pe0r) -qi*qj/(4pe0r2) _____ ______ Bohr's atomic model

    Epot ij is the potential energy of the particle pair ij. Negative values mean that the two particles attract each other.
    Fij is the force that the particles i and j exert upon each other. Positive values mean attraction.
    r0 is the distance between two particles for which Fij=0 is true.
    e,s are constants depending on the kind of particles concerned.
    G is the gravitational constant.
    qi,qj is the electric charge of the particle i or j respectively.
    e0 is the electric field constant.

    Program usage

    Screen layout

    Program screen with all windows open

    This picture shows all windows of the program. All but the main menu can be turned on and off independently.

    Window descriptions

    Main menu: Here you can find the sub-menus "File","Display","Experiment" and "Others". The button for switching between view mode and edit mode and the button to start/stop the simulation are also located here. Left-click opens the menus or activates the buttons respectively.
    Step counter: Counts the steps calculated for the current experiment
    r-N-Diagram: For every distance r the diagram shows how many neighbouring particles you will find on the average in this distance from a particle. The momentary values are drawn as green lines while the mean values are plotted as white dots.
    The unit of the horizontal axis is 360/scale meters rounded down to the next power of 10 (scale is the value that was entered in the menu Display/Diagrams for the menu item scale.). The unit of the vertical axis is 1.
    The first yellow number reflects the average number of next neighbours (particles whose distance is less than the value entered for Display/Diagrams/next  sum r) of a particle. The second yellow number shows the average distance of a next neighbour. The red line marks the distance Display/Diagrams/next  sum r.
    v-N-Diagram: For every velocity v the diagram contains the number of particles which have this velocity. The momentary values are drawn as green lines while the mean values are plotted as white dots.
    The unit of the horizontal axis is 360/scale meters per second rounded down to the next power of 10 (scale is the value that was entered in the menu Display/Diagrams for the menu item scale.). The unit of the vertical axis is 1.
    Several values: This window displays the values for pressure (p), temperature (T), volume (V) and the average kinetic energy per particle (Ek), as well as the average potential energy per particle (Ep). Via the button current/mean you can toggle between current and mean values. For Ek and T you may enter new values that become effective immediately. For the volume you may enter a target volume which the simulation will try to reach by moving the walls in steps of ½Ds. (½Ds can be altered via Experiment/Parameters/  ½Ds).
    Attention: Entering a target volume will deactivate pressure adaption.
    freely rotatable 3D-window: This window displays the ensemble of particles rotated around the x-,y- and z-axis as a perspective drawing. The rotation order is z-rotation, x-rotation, y-rotation. Left-click on a particle in this window opens the properties menu where the properties of the clicked particle are displayed and may be modified.
    x,y,z-axes: This window shows the x-,y- and z-axis, rotated according to the current rotation angles (parallel projection). Left-click into this window of the Molecular Dynamics Simulator and hold the mouse button pressed. This enables you to rotate the axes by moving the mouse around. The current rotation angles are displayed at the bottom of the window. Left-click on a digit increases it with carry, right-click decreases it. If you hold the mouse button pressed, increasing/decreasing will be done continually after a short delay.
    Side view windows: These windows show the respective sides of the ensemble (parallel projection).
    The black rectangles reflect the boundaries of the volume where the particles are trapped. Display of these lines can be toggled on and off via Display/Smiley Windows/draw borders.
    The white lines which can be moved holding the left mouse button pressed, mark the current view levels. Only particles located between the white lines will be drawn. All the others are (in the 3D-window, too) invisible.
    Via Display/Smiley windows/Reset view levels you can set all view levels at the same time back to their maximum values.
    Left-click on one of the particles in a side view window or the 3D-window to open the window with the particle properties.

    In the freely rotatable 3D-window and in the side view windows you can move the window contents with the arrow keys. With the + and - buttons at the top of the window it is possible to zoom the displayed section nearer or farther away. The arrows at the borders of the particle- and diagram-windows allow changing the window size by left-clicking and dragging them with the button pressed.
    The button marked "Z" in the top right corner of the window zooms the respective window to maximum size. Clicking it again restores the previous layout.
    Right-clicking into a window and dragging the mouse into another window with the button pressed, will swap the two windows.

    Menu structure


    Grab PCX



    after steps
    devalue after
    next sum r
    after steps
    devalue after
    Reset mean values


    after steps
    mean buf size
    Reset mean values


    Step counter

    Rotatable 3D
    slice start
    x-y side view
    x-z side view
    z-y side view
    after steps
    slime tracks
    draw borders
    smiley size
    Reset view levels



    Lennard Jones


    collision check
    downwards gravity
    V-adapt Dsteps


    T=c, c=const.
    T=c, c=c+DT
    T=c, c=c*f

    Max. steps


    Periodic boundary
    Set new boundaries


    Reset step counter
    Restart experiment

    x-direction cell no.
    y-direction cell no.
    z-direction cell no.
    Unit cell side
    Lattice type
    Lattice error
    Build lattice


    Current smileys
    Recalculate diagrams/misc.


    Meaning of the menu items

    switches to the respective mode. (see "The edit mode")
    start starts the simulation unless the step counter has already reached Experiment/Parameters/Max. steps.

    opens the file selection window for loading an .MDS file.
    Save opens the file selection window for saving an .MDS file.
    Grab PCX opens the file selection window for saving a screenshot as .PCX file.
    Quit terminates the program.

    invisibles switches displaying of particles marked as invisible on or off.
    slicing see Display/Smiley Windows/Slicing.
    D-Scheme changes the window layout.
    Step counter turns the step counter display on or off.

    turns displaying of the r-N-diagram on or off.
    after steps reflects after how many steps the diagram contents will be recalculated and added to the mean values.
    scale is a factor for transforming the floating point values into integers before plotting them in the diagram. Scale is indirectly proportional to the unit of the horizontal axis.
    offset determines how much the diagram will be shifted left.
    devalue after determines after how many diagram refreshes the contents of the buffer for the diagram's mean values will be divided by 2. This function makes sure that, even after a great amount of steps, the diagram's mean values will still react to changes. If you enter 0 here then the function will be disabled.
    next sum r reflects the maximum distance a particle may have while still being counted as a next neighbour.
    v-distribution turns displaying of the v-N-diagram on or off.
    Reset mean values restarts calculation of the mean values for the diagrams.

    turns the display of p,V,T,Ek and Ep on or off.
    after steps reflects after how many steps the values will be recalculated.
    mean buf size determines how many of the recalculations, that are done every after steps steps, will be taken for the calculation of the mean values. If you enter 0 here, all values calculated after the last reset of the mean values will be taken into the mean value calculation.
    Reset mean values restarts the calculation of the mean values.

    Rotatable 3D
    turns displaying of the freely rotatable 3D-window on or off.
    x,y,z axes turns displaying of the x,y,z-axes window on or off.
    slice start determines how far away from the viewpoint in the 3D-window the displayed slice is located (measured in pixels).
    thickness determines how thick the slice displayed in the 3D-window is (measured in pixels).
    slicing causes particles outside of the slice described by slice start and thickness not to be displayed in the 3D-window. This is very useful for instance if you want to look at the hexagonal basic structure of an FCC-lattice. You just define a slice by setting slice start and thickness. Then you rotate the 3D-window till the structure is visible.
    x-y side view, x-z side view, z-y side view turns displaying of the respective window on or off.
    after steps reflects after how many steps the 3D-window and the side view windows will be refreshed.
    slime tracks makes the particles leave a trace as they move.
    draw borders turns displaying of the volume boundaries on or off.
    smiley size reflects the size of the particles in the displays if r-scaling is deactivated.
    z-scaling activates scaling of the particle sizes depending on the distance to the viewer in the side views, too. (in the 3D-window z-scaling is always used).
    r-scaling turns scaling of the particle sizes depending on the particle radius on or off.
    Reset view levels sets the view levels back to the respective maximum values.
    v-vectors turns displaying of the velocity vectors on or off.
    scale reflects the factor with which the lengths of the velocity vectors are multiplied prior to being drawn.

    shows the description of the current experiment and lets you change it.
    Reset step counter sets the step counter to 0 and thus defines the beginning of a new experiment, i.e. Restart experiment will now restore the set-up at the time of the reset.
    Restart experiment restores the initial set-up of the current experiment. A new experiment is defined by Reset step counter, load (with properties activated) or Experiment/Build lattice/build lattice.

    Lennard Jones, Quadratic, Gravity, Coulomb
    selects the respective potential for the molecular dynamics simulation. You can activate more than one potential at the same time.
    s,e,e0,r0,G are the constants specific to a potential. For details on the different potentials see above at "Supported potentials".
    cutoff determines the distance between two particles above which the interactions of the respective potential will be ignored. A cutoff may be used to save computation time. Attention: If the quadratic potential shall be used as approximation for the Lennard Jones potential, you have to set cutoff<=7r0/6.

    Dt is the time step which is the basis of all computations.
    collision check makes the particles behave like hard billiard-balls if they collide. Attention: Collisions are calculated based on the particle radius entered in the properties menu, not based on the radius in the display.
    downwards gravity turns a constant acceleration in y-direction for all particles on or off.
    g is the acceleration for downwards gravity.
    p turns volume adaption to achieve a constant pressure on or off.
    Attention: If you select adapted pressure, a target volume entered in the several values window will become inactive. Just the same is true the other way around. A target volume deactivates pressure adaption.
    target reflects the pressure that the volume adaption tries to achieve.
    V-adapt Dsteps determines how many steps will pass between the volume adaptions.
    ½ Ds reflects the distance that each of the 6 walls will be moved at each volume adaption.
    c is the temperature, that the temperature adaption will try to reach within the next few steps.
    f is the factor (if exponential heating/cooling is chosen) with which c will be multiplied after each temperature adaption.
    DT is the value that will be added to c after each temperature adaption if linear heating/cooling is chosen.
    Dsteps determines how many steps will pass between the temperature adaptions.
    Max. steps reflects the number of steps after which to stop the simulation. Attention: If the step counter has reached this value then you can not start the simulation again before you do either set the step counter to 0 (Experiment/Reset step counter or Experiment/Restart experiment), or increase Max. steps.

    turns off temperature adaption.
    T=c, c=const. configures temperature adaption to try to hold T constant at c.
    T=c, c=c+ DT configures temperature adaption to increase the target temperature c in steps of DT. This corresponds to a linear heating/cooling.
    T=c, c=c*f configures temperature adaption to multiply the target temperature c with the factor f after each adaption. This corresponds to an exponential heating/cooling.

    The blue window shows the front and the right side of the virtual box that contains the particles, drawn as black rectangles. The green rectangles mark the volume currently occupied by particles. You can move the ensemble within the box by dragging it with the left mouse button pressed. If this leads to particles being moved out of the box, then a red line appears on the respective side, to warn you that on acknowledging the move via Set new boundaries some particles will be deleted.
    Attention: Due to a little bit of tolerance, it is possible that even though a red line is drawn, no particles will be deleted.
    Periodic boundary turns calculation with periodic boundaries on or off. Changing this setting becomes active the next time you start the simulation. You do not need to click on Set new boundaries first.
    x,y,z reflects the current length of the respective side of the box. Although any changes here will be displayed at once in the blue window, you have to click on Set new boundaries before the changes will become active. Before doing this no particles out of the box will be removed.
    Set new boundaries causes the changes of the side lengths and any moving done in the blue window to become active. Particles out of the box will be deleted.

    Periodic boundaries

    The number of particles that are simulated in the Molecular Dynamics Simulator (MDS) is very small compared to that in a real environment. So if you simulate a solid with the Molecular Dynamics Simulator (MDS), then the portion of the body taken by particles located at the sides is very high. These are particles that have fewer next neighbours than those in the center of the body. For that reason they are bound less to their position which may lead to their detaching from the body. Additionally you do not get the correct number of next neighbours which is characteristic for every type of lattice. With the help of the "computational trick" periodic boundaries it is possible to overcome these difficulties. schematic display of the principle periodic boundaries The trick is to assume that, connected to the box actually being simulated (bold rectangle), there are additional identical boxes. For the computation of the forces that affect particle 1 you do now take the neighbouring particles from a virtual box (green rectangle) where particle 1 is exactly in the center. Thus particle 1 from the example "sees" only the particles 2,4 and 5 at their real locations. The particles 3,6,7,8 and 9 appear as virtual particles 3,6,7,8 and 9. It is quite obvious that a seamless connection of the boxes can only be achieved if the volume and the particle set-up are, as in this picture, chosen correctly. If Experiment/Boundaries/periodic boundary is tagged, then Experiment/Build lattice/build lattice takes precautions for a seamless periodic continuation of the chosen lattice type. However, if during simulation the lattice type changes, you have to manually take care that the volume is appropriate for a periodic continuation of the respective lattice type (e.g. enter a target volume in the several values window).
    In addition to the computational trick explained above, having periodic boundaries activated causes particles that reach a side of the box to be, instead of being reflected as usual, put back into the box at the opposite side.

    x,y,z-direction cell no. reflects the length of the respecive side of the lattice to be built, in unit cells.
    Unit cell side determines the length of the sides of the cubic unit cell.
    Velocity/p. determines the velocity assigned to every particle when the lattice is built. The directions of the velocities will be distributed in way that leaves the total momentum 0. An angular momentum may remain, though. If the number of particles that have to be created is odd then one particle gets velocity 0.
    Lattice type reflects the kind of lattice to build. You may choose from simple cubic, face-centered cubic and body-centered cubic.
    Lattice error determines whether particle no. 0 will get a 1 percent deviation from the correct starting position to avoid unrealistic symmetry effects.
    Build lattice builds up the lattice and thus defines the beginning of a new experiment (see Experiment/Restart experiment). If Experiment/Boundaries/periodic boundary is activated, then the lattice will be built in a way that enables a seemless periodic continuation.

    determines whether the guard dogs run free. If this is the case then particles outside of the box will be bitten to death without mercy and the message "Woof!" will be displayed. If particles exceed the maximum velocity entered then you will be notified by "Arf!". In this case the particles will be left alive.
    Attention: While exceeding the maximum velocity is not so unusual, leaving the box is something that a particle cannot usually do as particles are reflected at the walls (Experiment/Boundaries/periodic boundary deactivated) or will be put back into the box at the opposite side (periodic boundary activated). This means that if a particle really leaves the box this is a sign for a set-up with forces or velocities that are too extreme, or that the time step is too great for the forces/velocities. (see also Remarks on the displays)
    vmax is the maximum velocity tolerated by the watchdogs.
    Current Smileys reflects the total number of particles currently within the ensemble.
    Recalculate diagrams/misc. recalculates the contents of the diagrams and p,T,Ek,Ep. This function is useful if you have changed the set-up and want to check the potential energy, to see whether you have created a constellation with too extreme forces.

    The properties menu is opened by left-clicking a particle. The following properties will be displayed and may be modified:
    color, group status, invisibility status, mass(m), charge(q), radius(r), x,y and z-coordinate, absolute velocity(v), angle between x-component(vx) and y-component(vy) of the velocity vector, angle between vx and vz, angle between vz and vy.
    Via the group status it is possible to define a group of particles. This makes sense if you want to modify many particles at a time (see example).
    Thus you can (via !DELETE GROUP!) delete all particles of the group (i.e. all with grouped: yes) at the same time, or you may (via Group....=Smiley....) assign the property .... of the currently displayed particle to all grouped particles with just one click (see example).
    Invert group inverts the assignment of particles to the group, i.e. all particles which have belonged to the group will not be in the group, and all particles not in the group will make up the new group (see example).
    Ungroup all sets all particles to grouped: no. In conjunction with Invert group it is thus very easy to modify the whole ensemble (see example).
    Example: All particles shall be assigned a mass of 1kg. First you set the currently displayed particle to mass 1 (as was already said, all entries and displays are based on the respective SI-units). Then you click on Ungroup all, so that no particle is in the group anymore. Now Invert group causes all particles to be in the group. Finally, via Group m=Smiley m all particles are set to the mass 1kg at the same time.
    Group smileys on screen sets all particles that are currently visible on screen to grouped: yes. This makes sense for example if you have (via Display/slicing) selected a section of a crystal for display in the freely rotatable 3D-window, and now want to color all those particles uniformly for better tracing during the experiment.
    Attention: If you want to set just those particles that are visible in the freely rotatable 3D-window to grouped: yes, then you must either close the side views first or zoom the freely rotatable 3D-window, because Group smileys on screen affects ALL currently visible particles, not only those within a certain window.
    Group follows smiley determines whether the whole group will be moved, whenever a particle of the group is moved (see "The edit mode").
    Attention: Only if the particle is moved with the mouse will the group be moved, too. Entering a new x,y or z-coordinate directly only affects the modified particle.
    Copy smiley creates an additional particle at the same position as the one currently displayed with the same properties. This function is used to add particles to the ensemble.
    Attention: Since the particle is created at exactly the same position as its model, it is important that you move it to another place before you start the simulation. Otherwise the potential, which is inversly proportional to the distance, will become infinitely great between model and copy. Thus the whole ensemble would disappear into infinity, if the simulation were started.
    !DELETE SMILEY! does exactly what you expect.

    The edit mode

    The view mode allows changing the position of a particle only via the properties menu. After switching to edit mode, however, it is possible in to drag a particle in the side view windows with the left mouse button pressed. If the particle belongs to the group and the option Group follows smiley is activated, then the rest of the group will be moved, too.
    In edit mode it is also possible to repeat the most recent property change with another particle by simply right-clicking it. It is sufficient, for example, to color one particle green via the properties menu, then you can color other particles green by right-clicking them.
    Attention: Deleting also counts as a property change. This means that after deleting one particle, right-clicking can be used to remove other particles. The edit mode also makes placing new particles very easy. You do not need to create each and every particle with Copy Smiley and then drag it to the correct location. Having doubled one particle via Copy Smiley, you can place particles in the side view windows by right-clicking at the place where you want a new particle. The third coordinate will be taken from the particle most recently copied.
    Attention: It is advisable that after modifying the ensemble you either select Experiment/Reset step counter or save the new ensemble. This makes it possible for you to restore the set-up via Experiment/Restart experiment or File/Load respectively, after the experiment has been run. Otherwise the modified set-up will be lost.

    Application examples

    Attention: If the following examples include specific step counts, rotation angles or slicing-parameters, it is assumed that the experiment is run without interruption till the specified step count is reached. If this is not done, and the example uses volume-,temperature- or pressure adapation, slightly different results are possible. The observed structures and values will only approximately match. This can be explained by the fact that after many iterations even simple functions show highly chaotic behaviour. Especially the position of the structures being looked for relative to the viewer may vary. Additionally the exact value of a quantity at a specific time or the step count when a certain event takes place may easily be different.

    1) Starting example: Section of a crystalline solid

    Aim: The aim of this experiment is the demonstration of a structure that is characteristic for the quadratic and Lennard Jones potential.

    Set-up: The initial situation is a face-centered cubic lattice consisting of 108 particles. 5.378Å was chosen as lattice constant so that the distance of next neighbours is at r0 for s=3.4Å. The initial velocity is set to 13.685m/s, i.e. the temperature is 0.3K. The only active potential is Lennard Jones with a cutoff of 1m (i.e. longer than the diagonal of the box, which means deactivated). Periodic boundaries are activated.

    Execution and observations: After starting the simulation, the configuration remains stable as expected. The r-N-diagram shows clearly structures of near and far order. The window also displays the number of next neighbours as 12, which is the characteristic number for an fcc-lattice. The only change that takes place is in the velocity distribution which changes towards the Maxwell-distribution. Now we go to the menu Experiment/Potential type and set the cutoff for Lennard Jones to 4Å, i.e. for the calculation of the potentials only next neighbours will be regarded. As average potential energy per particle we get -1*10-20J. This corresponds to 6*(-e), because a particle has potential energy relative to all of its 12 next neighbours, and the minimum of the Lennard Jones potential (for a pair) is at (r0/-e). Please note that only half of potential energy of a pair may be assigned to one particle (for that reason it's 6 not 12).
    Now we deactivate the Lennard Jones potential in the menu Experiment/Potential type and turn on quadratic potential instead. You can see that the structure is also stable for this potential. This is evidence for the suitability of the quadratic potential as an approximation for Lennard Jones, when looking at crystal structures. As potential energy per particle we get the same value as with Lennard Jones after we had set the cutoff. This is because the quadratic potential uses a cutoff as default.

    Remarks: From time to time you can watch particles jump from one side to the opposite side. These are particles that are located at the sides of the box and on leaving it are placed back in at the other side due to the periodic boundaries.

    2) Kinetic gas theory: kingas.mds

    Aim: The file "kingas.mds" contains an example to the kinetic gas theory. It uses the Molecular Dynamics Simulator (MDS) to illustrate the theoretical contemplations in school and demonstrate the typical trace picture. Diffusion can be illustrated, too, using this model.

    Set-up: The model gas consists of 64 particles with a mass of 6.636*10-26kg and a radius of 2.5Å. Pressure and velocity were chosen for the normal conditions of 1013hPa pressure and 273.15K temperature. One particle is marked yellow. All particles except this one are marked as invisible. The ensemble is displayed in parallel projection. The particles are scaled according to their size.

    Execution and observations: As can be seen in the diagrams, the system which was originally a simple cubic 3x3x3 lattice with all particles having the same speed, has changed so that we do not only have a Maxwell-distribution for velocities but also for distances.
    a) typical trace picture
    If you do now activate Display/Smiley windows/slime tracks and set Display/invisibles to hidden, then you can watch the yellow particle draw the characteristic trace of a gas particle that only interacts with the others via elastic collisions.
    b) Random Walk
    If you do now set the velocity of the yellow particle to 0 and greatly increase its mass (e.g. *50) you can watch the "random walk" of a smoke particle within a gas. For greater realism you could also increase the radius.
    c) Diffusion
    Now we stop the simulation and set Display/invisibles back to shown, and Display/Smiley windows/slime tracks should be deactivated. Then we separate the ensemble into two pieces (by moving one of the two white lines) and click on one of the particles in the visible half. Now the group assignment has to be removed via Ungroup all.
    Group smileys on screen now declares the visible smileys as the new group. Now we recolor the particle with a click on Color and then we assign the same color to the whole group via Group col=Smiley col. After moving the white line back, we do now have two differently colored halves, this corresponds to two different gases. After reducing Experiment/Parameters/Dt to 3*10-14s and start of the simulation you can watch the mixing of the two gases.

    typical trace picture for kinetic gas theory

    typical trace picture for the kin. gas theory: angles in the trajectory mark collisions.

    3) Example to chaos theory: chaos1.mds, chaos2.mds

    Aim: The example is meant to illustrate the probably most well-known statement of the chaos theory, which is that the most minute changes may produce fatal results. This statement is extremely important for the simulation of physical processes (e.g. research on climate change, hurricane research).
    The butterfly-example cited very often in this context (the flapping of the wings of a butterfly may cause a hurricane in another part of the world) seems to many people as a gross exaggeration. And though this has no negative consequences for the average citizen, ignorance of the "fact chaos" in the industry could cause losses in the range of millions, because even the most simple algebraic terms like those of the quadratic potential behave highly chaotic after few iterations. If these effects are neglected in designing and evaluating an industrial simulation program, misconstructions might be the result which could possibly mean the ruin of a firm.

    Set-up: For clarity reasons a simple two-dimensional set-up has been chosen. Quadratic has been selected as potential. The cutoff is set to 1m gesetzt, i.e. it is deactivated since this is longer than the diagonal of the box (maximum distance of particles). Thus the potential becomes physical nonsense, but you get very strong forces this way.
    The ensembles of the files "chaos1.mds" and "chaos2.mds" are completely identical with the exception of the z-coordinate of the particle marked red. In "chaos2.mds it has been increased by 1 at the 18th digit (Remark: MDS only displays the coordinates rounded to 17 digits).
    This corresponds to a deviation of 0.0000000000000002 percent.

    Execution and observations: (Remark for the teacher: If you show this experiment in class, you could have the students make guesses about how many steps it will take until the deviation shows.) When the simulation is now started, the particles remain in a plane for "chaos1.mds", but when you repeat the experiment with "chaos2.mds" it only takes 230 steps till the first particles leave the plane.
    For Lennard Jones potential it takes 2200 steps even though this potential contains r in a much higher power. This is easily explained because the quadratic potential produces very extreme values if used without cutoff, while the Lennard Jones potential produces values within a small interval, because it approaches 0 as r increases unlike the quadratic potential which approaches infinity. You can see that complicated functions do not necessarily behave more chaotic than simple ones.

    Ensemble after 2500 steps (Lennard Jones): left picture without error, right picture with error

    4) Kepler's Laws: kepler.mds

    Aim: The aim is to illustrate the planetary movements at a "handy" model and give evidence for the non-obvious fact that Kepler's Laws are fully included in Newton's gravitational law.

    Set-up: The set-up consists of a central star and two planets circling around it. The mass of the star is that of our sun, that of the red planet is Earth's and the mass of the magenta-colored planet is the same as that of Venus.
    Since the trajectories of the planets in out solar system are to close to circular, fictitious ellipse trajectories have been chosen (nonetheless the names Earth and Venus will be used for the planets in the following). The proportions of the planet radii are the same as in reality but for display reasons the radius of the sun was dimensioned smaller.

    Execution and observations:
    a) Kepler's first law states that the trajectories of the planets are elliptical with the sun at one focus.
    If you activate Display/Smiley windows/slime tracks and let the simulation run for a while you can visually confirm that statement.
    For mathematical evidence you must first determine the maximum and minimum x- and y-values of the two planets' trajectories. Half of the difference ymax-ymin equals then the length of the semi-minor axis b (bEarth=1.03*1011m, bVenus=5.65*1010m) and from the x-values you get the length of the semi-major axis a (aEarth=1.10*1011m, aVenus=6.35*1010m). From the smallest distance dk to the sun you can calculate the linear eccentricity with the formula e=a-dk (eEarth=3.89*1010m, eVenus=2.92*1010m). The results match the equation e2=a2-b2 very well (Deviation from e less than 1% both times).

    b) According to Kepler's 2nd law, a line drawn from a planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times. This will be shown at the example of two areas. For doing this, imagine a vertical line through the center of the sun. The part of the area of the ellipse left of the line be F1 and the area to the right be F2.
    With the data gathered above you can calculate F2=b/a*[a2*p/2-e* sqrt(a2-e2)-a2*arcsin(e/a)] and F1=abp-F2. The results are: F2Earth=9.95*1021m2, F2Venus=2.46*1021m2, F1Earth=2.56*1022m2, F2Venus=8.81*1021m2.
    For determining the times in which the respective distance vector moves across the areas, set the step counter to 0 (Experiment/reset step counter) the moment the observed planet is at the boundary line between the two areas. Then start the simulation and stop it after the planet has travelled around the respective area. The results are tF1Earth=72000steps and tF2Earth=28000steps, and for Venus tF1Venus=34000steps and tF2Venus=9700steps. Both times the equation tF1/tF2=F1/F2 is true with acceptable precision.

    c) Kepler's 3rd law says that squares of the periods of revolution of the several planets about the sun are proportional to the cubes of the semi-major axes of the ellipses.
    To get the periods of revolution, you set the step counter to 0 and let the simulation run until the observed planet has reached the starting point again after 10 rounds (for greater accuracy). Thus you measure as time for Earth (TEarth=1.00*105steps) and for Venus (TVenus=4.40*104steps). The deviation of T2Earth/T2Venus from a3Earth/a3Venus is less than 1% which means that the law can be regarded as accurate.

    Schematic picture to explain the above
abbreviations.Die Planetary trajectories are ellipses with the sun in one focus.

    a semi-major axis
    b semi-minor axis
    dk minimum distance planet - sun
    e linear eccentricity
    S sun

    All rights to the program Molecular Dynamics Simulator and the rights to this documentation are the property of Matthias Benkmann.

    Please send feedback to Matthias Benkmann (m.s.b (a) gmx.net)

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